Tag Archives: books

Answers #3 – One Source of Entertainment Forever

Today’s question is from Josh Merrick, who asks

If you could only have one source of entertainment for the rest of your life–like one TV show, or song, or book, or podcast, or whatever–what would it be and why?

I expect my answer to this question would probably vary quite a bit depending on when you asked me. My interests tend to come in waves.

My knee-jerk response would probably be the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I absolutely love Tolkien’s world-building and imagination, and the books contain a bit of everything: there’s action, romance, singing, and even a bit of comedy. True, I’ve already read the trilogy about seven times, but there are always plenty of little details that I’ve forgotten, and hints at the broader history of things that I can sit back and marvel at or wonder about. If I was allowed to include The Hobbit and The Silmarillion, that would make it almost a no-brainer.

If I was aiming purely at amusement, something to help me pass the time when I had nothing else to occupy me, the full catalogue of Whose Line is it Anyways? (the American version) would probably serve me well. Larissa and I have actually been watching through the seasons of Whose Line? over the past month or so. We’re partway through Season 3 right now, with hundreds and hundreds more episodes to go, and it isn’t getting any less funny! I really wish this show was still on the air.

Ultimately, though, what I’d prefer even more than a book series or a TV show would be ready access to any kind of word processor, or at least pen and paper. I can keep myself pretty well entertained by taking things from inside my own imagination and putting them down on screen or paper, especially if I think there’s potential that someone else might want to read my ideas. I guess that’s why I’ve been doing so much writing lately!

Thanks for the question, Josh.

Have a question of your own that you’d like to see me answer? Leave a comment or get in touch with me on Twitter.

Answers #1 – Why Write?

I’m going to try out a Q&A feature on my blog. For now, I’ll mostly be soliciting questions via social media (see the top of the sidebar for links), but you can also email me (tsevenhuysen@gmail.com) if there’s something you’d really like to know about my writing, my family, my opinions, or any other aspect of my life.


Sean Riley asked me:

Why write?

Wow. What a great, big question. Why do I write? I’m not entirely sure I know. But I’ll try to give some semblance of an answer.

The Answer

Sitting back and thinking about it, I think there are three main reasons why I write. Here they are:

1) I write because I have a need to create.

Ideas pop into my head whether I’m looking for them or not, a lot of the time. I can either let them bounce around for a while until they find their way out my ear and get carried off by the wind, or I can try to put them down on paper or a screen somewhere. I have a drive to create, an urge of some sort, that pushes me to do something with my ideas.

But writing my ideas down wouldn’t mean a whole lot if no one read them, which is why I have reason 2:

2) I write because it’s rewarding.

Any time someone reads a story I’ve written, whether they give me feedback or not, whether they even like it or not, I find it really rewarding. It’s hard to pin down why. Maybe it’s some sense of the reader investing their time in me or showing appreciation for the effort I put into creating that story. Maybe it’s a validation of my creative urge.

Having my stories read makes me feel valued. It even allows me to feel like I’m making a difference in someone’s life, whether that difference is significant or not. It’s wonderfully empowering to know that your words are winding their way through someone else’s brain, especially when I think of all the great experiences I’ve had reading things that other people have written. And that brings me to my third, and maybe most important, reason for writing, which is:

3) I write because I read.

Fiction has been one of the most influential mediums in my life. I’ve read fiction pretty much constantly since I was a kid. Many of my fondest memories are tied to books, or experiences related to books. I remember a kids’ book about a mouse and a ripe, red strawberry, I remember the Berenstain Bears, I remember the Land of Barely There. I remember going to see a play in a local theatre based on The Hobbit, and then finding The Fellowship of the Ring in the class library in Grade 4, devouring it, and hunting forever to find the rest of the series to read. I remember getting Ender’s Game for free at a book exchange during a camping trip and reading it in three-and-a-half hours with literally one single break to go to the bathroom.

I remember The Grapes of Wrath teaching me about tragedy.
I remember Gulliver’s Travels teaching me about satire.
I remember The Life of Pi teaching me about metaphor.
I remember Les Miserables completely reformulating my concept of literature.

The more I read, the more I learn, and the more my life feels enriched. I only first read some of these incredibly influential books in the past couple of years, and I hope to have my life changed in many more ways by the fiction I continue to discover.

I write because I want to be a part of this process. I don’t anticipate that my fiction will ever do for someone what Les Mis or Grapes of Wrath did for me, but maybe by writing I can somehow help those classics to live on, in some small way.

I hope this goes part of the way to answering your question, Sean.

And if anyone wants to get started on enriching their lives through reading, look no further than my 50 Best Books list!

New Books: How Should I Sort Them?

I have some serious sorting to do.

So I own some books. Well, ok: “some” is being a bit conservative. I own a lot of books. Most of them are fiction, with some nonfiction that’s mostly sociological. I added to my collection a bit the other day, picking up The Great Gatsby, Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel (author of Life of Pi, which is currently among the top 5 books I own), a nice hardcover edition of Ender’s Game, a big, beautiful, hardcover, illustrated edition of The Divine Comedy (mostly for display purposes), and another big, beautiful, hardcover, $5 Brönte sisters collection. (Something interesting that I only realized the next day is that Beatrice and Virgil are Dante’s two guides during The Divine Comedy, so it’s a neat little coincidence that I bought those two books together without being aware of the connection.)

In order to sort and display my books, I have three shelves, one large, one medium, and one small. They can be seen below.

Until yesterday, I was using the small shelf for my movies and video games, and they all fit pretty neatly. But I realized that I had some built-in shelf space that was being wasted by some old phone books, shoes, and odds and ends. So I cleared that stuff out and found better places for it, then moved my games and movies over. I also moved some stuff out of the bottom compartments of my large shelf and put it in the closet.

These moves left me with quite a bit more shelf space for my books, and that’s where my dilemma comes from.

Previously, I had my books organized into two groups: speculative fiction (fantasy and sci-fi) went on the medium shelf, while everything else went on the large shelf. But now I have three shelves instead of two! So which books do I put on the small, prominent shelf? I think I’m pretty much set on putting the spec fic in the medium shelf, because it fits well there, and the large shelf will end up holding whatever’s left over after I sort things into the small and medium shelf, so it all depends on what goes in the small shelf.

A couple options I’ve thought of are to make the small shelf hold my Nonfiction, a couple of series or collections (Tom Clancy, JRR Tolkien, Orson Scott Card, Terry Pratchett, etc.), my Top 50, or just a handful of my “prettiest” books, like the old leather-bound “Children’s Classic” series you can see in the above photo.

Help me, please! Also, I have more room now, so send more books!