Tag Archives: facebook

ULTRA by 1889 Labs

If you’re a writer of flash fiction or short stories, there’s an interesting new opportunity for you to put your work out there, gain some readership, and possibly sell your story to be featured in a print/ebook anthology.

ULTRA is 1889 Labs’ newest web fiction initiative. The essential nuts and bolts are as follows: you submit your 500- to 2,000-word story, it goes into “The Inbox”, and if it gets enough Likes on Facebook it spends some time featured on the ULTRA front page. When enough stories have been gathered, the best ones will be featured in an anthology, and the authors will be paid a professional rate.

One of my stories from a few months ago, Spiritual Taxidermy, is among the first batch of stories. There are a bunch of other stories to read, so check it out and submit your own!

If you aren’t familiar with 1889 Labs, this is a group at the cutting edge of online fiction. They publish my interactive series Losing Freight and lots of other novels and web serials. Pay attention to 1889; special things are happening there.

Help Us Win a Free Anniversary Photo Shoot

Vanessa Voth, the photographer who did such an amazing job on Larissa’s and my wedding, is holding a contest this month. She’s invited all of the couples whose weddings she shot in 2011 to compete to see who can get the most Facebook “Likes” on the appropriate post on her blog, and whoever has the most on December 31 gets a free one-year anniversary shoot!

We love Vanessa’s work, so that would be an awesome prize for us. What would make it extra special is that our baby will be almost a month old on our anniversary, so we could get some great pictures of Baby out of the deal, too!

Please help us win! All you have to do is go to the blog post, scroll down through all the pictures (and look at them, if you want!), and click Like at the bottom.

We’re doing pretty well so far, but we need a boost! We’re counting on all of you to help out.


Update: We’ve created a Facebook event now, too, to help organize things, so head over there and invite your friends to it!