On December 12 I will be releasing my next short fiction collection, the first volume of a series I’m calling Flare Fiction.
Flare Fiction 1 is the first new product I’m releasing in support of the Diaper Fund.
There will be a pay-what-you-want preorder period, starting today, followed by a paid release period, during which Flare Fiction 1 will be made available on the Kindle Store, and then after that I will make Flare Fiction 1 a free (and pay-what-you-want) download.
Available preorder bonuses include the opportunity to supply a title for a custom 50-word story or a character name/concept for Special People, my new serial superhero web fiction project.
Flare Fiction 1 will be somewhat different from my previous two collections. Living and Dying and Feel-Good each include a selection of flash fiction, along with a couple of longer stories and a few poems.
Flare Fiction, however, is a flash fiction-only chapbook. It contains 10 stories, each under 500 words, for a total of about 2,500 words. I’ve decided to release my short stories and my flash fiction separately, moving forward. I realize this may seem to represent less value per release, but that’s the beauty of a “pay-what-you-want” system. If you paid $5 for Feel-Good, maybe Flare Fiction is only worth $2 to you, and that’s totally fine!
For complete details, and to preorder, go to the Flare Fiction product page in the Store.