This week I released Feel-Good to the public, and people I’ve talked to who have read it have said they really liked it, so that’s encouraging. I also put a bunch of time into the formatting and layout for Fifty-Word Stories: Volume Two, which I’m hoping to put out sometime in the next month.
Outside of those projects, a lot of my productivity this week has been directed towards my Master’s thesis, which is really starting to take shape. I’m in the editing and revisions phase, where I have to sort through the nearly 100 pages of writing I’ve done and tie it all together, improve the flow and connectedness of it all, and polish all the weak areas. Next week I’ll be spending a lot of time on that, as well.
I have had some time for writing fiction, though. Here’s what I’ve accomplished:
I sent out a story called Spiritual Taxidermy and had it accepted really quickly by for their “Fiction-phile” weekly feature. Thank you to Terra Whiteman for posting it. You can read the story here.
An idea that I’ve had sitting in a Note on my iPhone for what seems like several months has finally started turning into an actual story. I’ve written over 2,000 words towards what I’m calling a blend of Gulliver’s Travels, Moby Dick, Treasure Island, and Planet of the Apes, and I have plenty more plot outline to work through, so this may end up being one of my longer projects, potentially novella length. I’m writing it in a bit of a different “voice” than I usually do, so that’s fun.
I’ve responded to a handful of prompts at TypeTrigger, as I often do. My 50-word story backlog is more or less holding up, too, but I want to try to write a couple more today, since I’m going to be gone over the weekend camping.
I still have several stories floating around in the ether waiting for responses from magazines and ezines. I’m hoping to hear back from a couple more of those soon.
Now to make today a useful one, as well!