Tag Archives: poem

Katherine Marie: An Acrostic Poem

The Special People IndieGoGo fundraiser campaign has reached $650, on its way to the $1,000 goal!

One of the perks you can receive for donating is that I’ll write an acrostic poem based on your name. Here’s the acrostic poem I wrote for Katherine Marie:


King-killer Katherine
Announced, “I’m now Queen! I’m
Terrific, fantastic,
Heroic, and keen!
Evict all your monarchs, your
Royals; they’re pointless.
I’m taking things over
Name me your new

Millions of people, the whole wide world over,
Announced their allegiance, and how they adored her. But
Ruling them turned out to be rather
Irksome, so Katherine
Erased their minds and released them


You, too, could have an acrostic poem written about you, if you back the project to the tune of $35 or more!

“Feel-Good”: Ready for Pre-Release!

I’ve put together the cover art for Feel-Good, and it’s now officially ready for pre-release this Monday!

The photo for the cover was taken by Rudoni Productions. You can see more of his work on his Flickr page.

Image by Rudoni Productions, used under Creative Commons.

In my previous post, I mentioned that the centrepiece story of the collection, which I have now titled Hands-On, had gotten just a little bigger than I’d originally intended. Well, not it’s even bigger. The final word count is just under 7,000. It took Larissa about 25 minutes to read the whole thing (and she liked it!). As I explain in the Introduction to the collection, Hands-On feels, to me, more like the opening couple of chapters to a novel than a short story. I’ve tried to make it as self-contained as possible, but it doesn’t seem to want to be self-contained, and who am I to tell it what it can and can’t be? Maybe it will eventually turn into something longer; for now, I think it’s still worth reading as a standalone.

So: Hands-On is definitely the central feature of the collection, but there’s plenty of other good content in there, too, and I think you’ll enjoy it all. I’ll be emailing early access copies of the collection to the people on the early access list this coming Monday, and creating a page where you can buy the collection as a pay-what-you-want download, as well.

I’ll have some more news about any special offers soon, and possibly some details on my future plans for these collections.

Feel-Good Progress Update

In between working on my thesis research, writing daily updates for FiftyWordStories.com, and performing my cooking duties (like a good husband), I’ve been planning for and making progress towards releasing my second collection of flash fiction, which I’m calling Feel-Good.

My plan, at the beginning, was to release one of these every month or so, and I’m hoping I won’t be too far off that target, when all is said and done. As it stands right now, I have everything written for Feel-Good except the superhero story which I received prompts for from several lucky readers of Living and Dying. I’m hoping to get that story written sometime this weekend or next week. I have the concept mostly sorted out already.

Once that story has been put together, I just have to do a couple of editing passes and the formatting and cover art.

Along with the aforementioned superhero story, Feel-Good will contain several pieces of flash fiction in the 250- to 500-word range; a piece of 555 fiction (three stories written to the same title, one 500 words long, one 50 words, and one 5 words); a few lighthearted poems; and a short story about a tugboat. Everyone loves tugboats, right?

I’ve revised the estimated release date to July 18. Feel-Good will be available as a pay-what-you-want download, and also on the Kindle Store for $0.99. Information about the special offers and preorder bonuses, as well as early access for people on the Early Access List, will be available closer to the actual release.