I got really excited last night because our last tenants left behind a little bookshelf that somewhat matches the ones I already had in my office.
I’m not sure what that says about me.
I got really excited last night because our last tenants left behind a little bookshelf that somewhat matches the ones I already had in my office.
I’m not sure what that says about me.
It’s both cute and annoying how distractable Victor is. If I’m in the same room while he’s nursing, he looks up every 15 seconds or so to check on me and see what I’m doing. He waits to get eye contact from me and then breaks into a smile.
I don’t remember Calvin doing that while he was nursing at all, so I find it very cute from Victor, but Larissa doesn’t seem to appreciate the disruptions all that much…
I’ve been listening to The Once and Future King as an audiobook on my commute, and assuming the storytelling doesn’t go completely sidewise during the next 17+ hours, it’s likely to end up somewhere on my Best Novels list when I’m finished. I’m leaning Tier 4 right now, with Tier 3 potential.