Writing Update – September 16, 2011

I mentioned in my post yesterday that I had a story published by OneFortyFiction.

Beyond that, this week has been moderately productive on the writing front. I wrote a flash fiction story called “Reclaiming the Night” and submitted it to a couple of places. It was originally a TypeTrigger story, but I fleshed it out and edited it a bit.

I also improved on a Six-Minute Story piece called “What We Left Behind” and submitted it to handful of markets.

I’m working through a difficult portion of my novel, but I’ve done 4,500 words in that so far this week, and I’d like to do a bit more tomorrow. I know the direction the story has to go from here, but I’m struggling a bit with a couple of new characters, so I have to get it all straight in my head.

Another thing I’ve been working on is a bit of a world-building collaborative project. I wrote the second story from this new world and have been doing some thinking about where to go from there. Not sure how soon I’ll be able to talk about that more, but it’s a lot of fun so far, and we’ll see where it ends up.

No responses from markets to report this week. I have 9 stories submitted to 19 different markets that are pending responses.

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