Moving and Decluttering

During the last week of August I moved into a new place in Victoria. One of my roommates got married and the other one moved to Toronto, so it was time for me to find a place on my own again.

(Interestingly, this was my third roommate in a row who moved out to get married. I’m a super marriage luck charm!)

As part of the moving process, I realized I had a bunch of stuff I didn’t need anymore, and it was just lying around taking up room. So I’ve been decluttering, and even profiting from it! I now have only enough kitchen supplies for what I need (and they match much better than they used to); I sold my generally neglected Nintendo Wii to my younger sister to replace hers, which died; I gave away some old and unneeded Guitar Hero and Rock Band controllers; and I just sold my Nintendo DSi, which I haven’t played in quite a while.

I still have some games I want to get rid of, and I’m probably going to throw some books in a box to give away. My library keeps growing, and I need to thin out the filler a bit. But so far I’m up a few hundred dollars, down several boxes of stuff I don’t use, and feeling good about it all.

If anyone wants a pretty big white-board or an old backpack, let me know!

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