Podcast 001

I’ve had the idea of doing a podcast in my head for quite a while, but haven’t gotten around to it for all kinds of different reasons. I don’t like to do things halfway, so I wanted theme music, and a catchy name, and iTunes availability, and a cohost, and all of the fancy stuff that great podcasts seem to have.

I don’t have any of those things for this episode, but I realized that I could either sit around forever waiting for the perfect podcasting conditions to arrive, or I could just get on with it with whatever I had at hand. So this is what you get: five minutes recorded on my iPhone and edited on my laptop.

In this first episode of what I’m hoping will become a weekly feature, I talk about the first story from the Year of Stories, Discovery Two, and about the most recent chapters of Special People.

I want to do some Q&A in future podcasts, so leave a comment if you have a question you’d like to hear me answer.

Let me know if you have issues with the audio, or if there other things you think I should cover in future episodes.

4 thoughts on “Podcast 001”

    1. I’ll try to get it on iTunes, but I can’t guarantee a timeline. Lots of writing to do, so I’ll have to find free time before I can sort that out.

  1. For theme music, you should check out istockaudio. I have business cards galore with codes for free credits that you’re welcome to use (pretty sure you can use multiple codes for the same account). Unless you were planning on making the music yourself.

    1. Thanks, Christa. There are lots of different things I could use music or stock art for, so I’d love to get my hands on some codes, for sure!

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